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Beste mensen,

Hieronder staat in het Engels beschreven hoe we een project voor meisjes in Uganda willen steunen.
Een korte inleiding heeft als bedoeling de Engelse tekst toegankelijk te maken.

Glowing Smiles Uganda is een Stichting die zich bezig houdt met kwetsbare kinderen. Veelal (wees)kinderen uit gezinnen met AID/ HIV. De kinderen hebben bijna overal gebrek aan.
Er zijn inmiddels een paar initiatieven ontwikkeld om deze kinderen te helpen. Hulp door eten te verzorgen, onderdak, kleding, schoeisel en schoolgeld. Het gaat om ruim 100 kinderen.
Met Circus Hannes zijn we in aanraking gekomen met deze kinderen en met de Stichting die zich om deze kinderen bekommert en hebben besloten een bijdrage te leveren.
De bijdrage zal deze keer niet alleen uit workshops en/of een circusvoorstelling bestaan, maar we willen ook een financiële bijdrage leveren. Zie hiervoor “Special Project” aan het einde van de Engelse tekst.
Met onze bijdrage willen we er voor zorg dragen dat ongeveer 100 meisjes wasbare ‘pads’ tijdens de menstruatie periode kunnen gebruiken. Dit was vroeger bij ons, althans in ons gezin, gangbaar. Goedkoop en hygiënisch. We denken hiervoor ongeveer € 500,- nodig te hebben.
Mocht u deze actie willen ondersteunen dan willen we u vragen een bijdrage te storten op de girorekening van Circus Hannes: NL74 INGB 0005625658 met vermelding van: bijdrage ‘pads’ Glowing Smiles Uganda. Elke bijdrage is welkom en bij voorbaat hartelijke dank voor het meedenken en handelen. Indien u doneert en uw (e-mail)adres doorgeeft dan sturen we u een bericht sturen over het bereikte resultaat.

Recognizing our background, growing up with single and young parents and as people affected by HIV/AIDs, extreme poverty causing our childhood being affected by child abuse, extreme poverty and domestic violence. We are therefore determined to change the lives of the people under the same circumstances which include but not limited to, poor housing, poor health, lack of school-fees and scholastic materials, poor standards of living, young parents,  forced and child marriages, negative cultural practices leading to poor hygiene and girls missing out school, illiteracy and all sorts of ignorance, poor food production methods and poor marketing of economic development.

Glowing Smiles Uganda is a charity organization based in Jinja district Uganda. This organization is aimed at heading the orphaned children and vulnerable persons to live a productive life and become a posititive influence in the community.

1. Mission: to improve the quality of life; encourage (orphan!) children and families to participate in processes which enhance their quality, self-reliance and longterm sustainable development for a better life which will lead to a better living.

2. Vision: the mission is helping the orphans and vulnerable kids. We envision leading the orphaned children and vulnerable to live a positive influence in the community.

  • fight against poverty through education of orphans and other disadvantaged members of the community;
  • improve and support community-based initiatives of eradication of poverty illiteracy, HIV/AIDS; *to identify and carry out community-based initiatives for a better living; *to implement income generating projects aimed at creating sustainable sources of income for the vulnerable woman, single mothers including widows, school dropouts and youth groups, orphans, child headed families, persons with disabilities and the elderly. The activities will include: – high value crop production, bee keeping, piggery, poultry farming, fish farming, food processing;
  • to train and support local communities in the fight against the spread of HIV/AIDS among the youths through advocacy, prevention, support and care ( home based care), establishing positive groups where people come and share stories, associate with others of the same disease, counseling aids and peer educators and information dissemination awareness to reduce its social economic effects; *to support orphans with AIDS, girl children and vulnerable children through provision of education facilities, namely better schools at rural based, vocational rehabilitation centers, school fees and other scholastic materials;
  • to promote respect for human rights among members especially promoting awareness of rights of children, woman, disabled persons, youth and marginalized groups in the society *to promote the preservation and protection of the environment;
  • to support and foster improved life skill training and knowledge on Sustainable Organic Agriculture among local communities for improved nutrition and household incomes;
  • to improve the standard of living of the people by enhancing proper use of natural resources as will be indicated by the ability to meet their basic needs in life namely: -adequate food, decent housing, clothing, school-fees, and safe water sources etc.

3. Results:

  • giving food to widows of the community : this project is supported by CAT and Meghan Taylor;
  • giving weather resistant sandals to the vulnerable children; this project is supported by Marleen van Hoof, Guy, Marina and Dirk Leysen (PRD);
  • giving school requirement to the pupils of Kyabirwa in Kagoma sub-county; this project is supported by Marleen van Hoof, Guy and Marina and Dirk Leysen (PRD);
  • improving accommodationc (providing matrasses) life to the widows at the same time a victim of HiV/ Aids grand mothers/grand fathers who stays with their orphaned grand children: this project is supported by Dirk Leysen: PRD.

4. SPECIAL PROJECT: re-usable pads; a big  number of girls who are in the age of menstruation periods don’t have money to buy materials to use. The Glowing Smiles Charity tries their best to help and are willing to buy re- usable pats ( can be washed); for 6 months the girls need 2 packs: to help the girls for one year we need 4 packs for one girl.
2 packs cost 10,000 Uganda shilling x 2 for one year: 20,000 Ugandese Shilling = about € 4,50 for one girl.
Glowing Smiles wants to provide 100 girls in the region of Jinja, so the costs are : € 450,00. Words of thanks: Compassion is the key of giving. All help, that little or small , is a support to the vulnerable girls. Glowing Smiles want to create a better life and with mutual help we can achieve a better world even in the smallest part of life.
Glowing Smiles Uganda, for smile is our priority.

If you are willing to support, every contribution is welcome, you can donate at the bankaccount of CIRCUS Hannes: NL74 INGB 0005625658 please notice: Contribution Glowing Smiles Uganda.

Anne Kuipers
Dir. Circus Hannes
+31 6 23 1998 19


Glowing Smiles Uganda

20210203_namagandaHer name is NAMAGANDA MAGGIE, she is 13 years old, she is the first daughter of her late mother and of now she is staying with her grandparents who can’t afford to buy sanitary pads for her.
She had to quit school. Especially during her periods because she was afraid of being bullied by her classmates duet of blood stains she got on the uniform all because she couldn’t get proper sanitary materials.

20210203_mirembeMIREMBE JACKLINE, age 14 years old, an opharn and first born out of four children. Her menstruration journey started last year and it’s been a very tough one since she can’t afford buying sanitary pads, she ends up using pieces of clothes that are not suitable to be used. At her age she goes around the village and do house work for people in order for her to help out herself and the family. If MIREMBE and other girls who are like her get a chance of receiving reusable sanitary pads their lives will be more easier.